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Twinkly-Eyed Mischief

I’ve been experiencing a bit of a mind-fuck with social media and blog posts of late, where I enjoy the process of writing IMMENSELY, not knowing where I’ll end up when I start; but often unconsciously creating an arc—because the act of writing changes me. I am different when I finish than when I started. And then, I am so EXCITED to share what I’ve … Continue reading Twinkly-Eyed Mischief

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Ice, Grief, and a Crippling Fear of Financial Insecurity

Ever since I decided to take the audition, I’ve been having recurring nightmares. Can’t find my violin 2 minutes before a concert where I’ve been hired to play 1st and 2nd violin simultaneously; showing up to the audition and realizing I’ve forgotten to actually practice for it; and just a general sense of being places I don’t really wanna be, around people (or in one … Continue reading Ice, Grief, and a Crippling Fear of Financial Insecurity

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I was aware of Viv when I first started subbing with the Montreal Symphony in 2013, her being the only female trombone player in an otherwise pretty testosterone-heavy brass section; but we didn’t officially become friends until several months later. On my first tour in March 2014 to Europe, I still felt kindof like an outsider in the orchestra. And so, in an attempt to … Continue reading Viv